Sunday, 30 December 2012

Pot Plant Work In Progess

A quick update I've been do some basic poly modelling following the Pot Plant tutorial (See the link in past post)

Here is a quick screen grab, as a long time 3DS Max user (10 years +) the change is a bit strange at first but I think I've started looking at the node tree for poly modelling as some where between the Stack and an infinite history. I'm not sure yet if I could make the move over to using just Houdini and from all the blogs and industry posts I read maybe I will take another journey into Maya.

Keep watching this space !


  1. Hey dude -
    Just wanted to say "good luck" - this is the year of Houdini for me as well, and it's motivating to see someone else taking this stuff seriously. Makes me want to start a blog of my own. Right on.
